March 1St Irs Notice Provides Essential Guidance For The Employee Retention Credit

March 1st IRS Notice Provides Essential Guidance For The Employee Retention Credit

On March 1, the Internal Revenue Service issued an important new employee retention guidance that illustrates important credit and retention options available to businesses that hire employees and the employee who is eligible to receive the credit. The guidance (Issued 3/1/2014) provides companies with crucial information about the employee retention credit and explains the complex…

Employee Retention Credit Receives Clarification From New Irs Guidance:

Employee retention credit receives clarification from new IRS guidance:

On July 20, 2015, the IRS issued Notice 2015-49, which provides guidance on Section 45S of the Internal Revenue Code. This section allows employers to claim an employer credit equal to up to 25% of the eligible wages paid to their employees during the first two years of employment. The credit can also be claimed…

Newly Issued Employee Retention Credit Guidance Punishes Owner Employees

Newly Issued Employee Retention Credit Guidance Punishes Owner Employees

If you’re an owner employee, the new tax credit incentive designed to keep employees with your business for at least one year may not be as beneficial as you’d hope. The reason? If you have living family members when you hire an employee, the amount of tax credit that applies to you will be less…

Peg-Owned Portfolio Companies Are Claiming Employee Retention Credit (Erc)

PEG-Owned Portfolio Companies Are Claiming Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

Any bonus given to a company’s employees is a transfer from taxpayers to its business partners. To make sure that American workers receive all of their due, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires employers to withhold 30 percent of compensation and pay that amount into the employee’s pay check. As a result of the Earned…